Hi, I'm Tikky! My gender has gotten a little bit funky of late but I'm figuring things out c:

Here are some facts about me:
- I use debian (it seemed reliable and was easy to install)
- I have a secret hidden name that none shall ever know
- my current favorite branch of math is algebraic topology, specifically chain complexes and cochain complexes and the big diagrams full of symbols and arrows showing the relationships between them (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain_complex) mmmh it makes my brain tingle
- I love monospace fonts I will never stop appreciating them
- I once coded an algorithm to find every unlabelled tree graph of a given size via a brute force search and it took like half an hour to generate the ones with 8 nodes, and after I showed it to a friend she's never stopped making fun of me for it lol
- I made a game about a horse once
- asesprite is my favorite drawing program, chunky pixel drawings are wonderful
- there is no 'I' here, no truly consistent being, there is merely an assemblage of molecules approximating one
- my favorite meal is eggs on toast with coffee

Purposes of this webbed site:
- signal my competence to others
- construct a digital self
- make something that looks nice c: